Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Sale and Auction

Hello Friends!
        Just a little update on the Yard Sale- which will be held this Saturday, October 20th, beginning at 7am. The address is 1117 S 700 E, Salt Lake City UT. Located just East of Liberty Park. This is going to be a huge Multi-Family Yard sale with all proceeds going to help Justin and his family.

- Couches, end tables, other furniture items
- Clothing- all sizes- we literally have a mountain of clothes to sell
- Shoes- adult and children sizes
- Picture frames/ art work
- Home decorating items
- Office chairs
- TVs
- DVDs and VHS tapes
- Kitchen supplies, dishes

- Refurbished Dell Projector
- 2 FrightMares Passes to Lagoon
- Original Artwork from Brown Stone Gallery
- Picture frames from Brown Stone Gallery
- Park City ski lift tickets
- Windows Microsoft Program Package
- Toshiba Blu Ray and DVD player
- Utah Symphony Tickets
- Other great items

Also- we have a pumpkin supplier that will be selling pumpkins, a small bake sale and a lemonade stand run by Lilly- Justin's daughter who is 7 years old... will anyone be able to say no to this sweet little girl??? 

Please mark your calendars and come show your love and support for Justin and his family! Please spread the word! See you Saturday!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Van

 This is a picture of the current van that Justin and his family are using. As mentioned before it is in poor condition and not very reliable!
 Here is Justin pictured in the van, he is in a regular wheel chair here, not his power wheel chair- which is much taller. In his power wheel chair Justin must ride in a reclined position with his face just inches from the ceiling. This makes it difficult to communicate with Donna who is driving and impossible for Justin to see out. 
And finally- here is a picture of a van that we hope to be able to purchase for Justin through all of your kind donations! A big thank you to all those who have already donated! Please spread the word!